Monday, September 28, 2009

elements of direct interest to project:


left + right
inside + outside
abstract + literal
poetry + explanatory
suspension + release
bodies + architecture
structure + improvisation

magnetic force
gravitational force
centrifugal force

public space

motions through and in space

Movement and theatre improvisation
stream of consciousness writing.
Spoken word freestyling and text improv

Letters on a page
trajectories and suspension in speech
type suspended in the light of a computer screen
(words suspended in midair,
letters on the screen suspended in light)
the typeset void

Bodies in space and in relation to architecture, objects, other bodies
Gravitational and upwards forces, suspension and release.

The void or space that language plays out in.
The space perceived as negative or empty around and inside where letters and words and set.
The (perceived) empty space words are set into, the space around and inside each letter.
The space type pushes into and is held by.
As both a void or empty timeless space and a full and active one.
The charged physical space of improvisational performance making, the awareness of time, timing and the moment.

When you are writing furiously moving forward pen first into the unknown, when you are writing and without knowing more than a few words ahead.
This is very different from rewriting/copying or performing something rehearsed.

live blog - point of documentation and conceptual discussion

non-direct interests in project:

im interested in the remnants of performance in the body
the physical memories left in the cells and skin.

how we respond to place, space and the weather.

imperceptible movements felt internally

the documentation of momentary happenings
(the transience of performance)

sensory depravation heightening other senses
unexpected stimulation bringing new possibilities

conversations through dancing
short intermittent solos responding to solos.

structures for improvisation

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